Thanks to everybody who took part in our first ever Twitch event, we raised an amazing £13,305 for Special Effect, well done!

The scores are now online and can be found here:
Thanks to everybody who took part in our first ever Twitch event, we raised an amazing £13,305 for Special Effect, well done!
The scores are now online and can be found here:
The World Famous Pub Quiz will hosting it’s first live streaming event this weekend! We should all have been enjoying Insomnia 66, but with everything that’s going on in the world this sadly isn’t possible. Instead, we’re taking it to the interwebs.
Gather your friends to form a team, registration is now open!
Let’s clarify a few things first, as things run a little differently online than they do at the on-stage Insomnia events:
The details and links you’ll need to take part are as follows:
Saturday 11th April, 8:30PM UK time for a 9PM start, we’ll go until it’s done.
Team Registration and Answer Submissions:
Remember, just ONE team registration per team please!